Rocky Mountain Wa Shonaji Quilt Guild 2022 Virtual Exhibit

Theme: “Creating Connections”

2022 Virtual Quilt Contest

You Can Vote During the Month of September

(Click Here to Return to Contest Home)

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Quilt Category


You Can Vote During the Month of September

1. Click here to view all of the "Words" Category Quilts.

2. Then Click on any Quilt in the Gallery to scroll through the quilts and read a description.

3. You can vote for more than one quilt, but you can't vote multiple times for the same quilt.


Quilt Category

"Creating Connections"

You Can Vote During the Month of September

1. Click here to view all of the "Creating Connections" Category Quilts

2. Then Click on any Quilt in the Gallery to scroll through the quilts and read a description.

3. You can vote for more than one quilt, but you can't vote multiple times for the same quilt.


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Contest is finished!
Title: Joanne Walton “All That She Carried” - 43" x 45"
Author: Aladmin
Votes: ?

Views: ?
Description: “In a display case in the Smithsonian’s National Museum of African American History and Culture sits a rough cotton bag, called Ashley’s Sack, embroidered with just a handful of words that evoke a sweeping family story of loss and of love, passed down through generations.” All That She Carried is a poignant story of resilience and of love passed down through generations of women against steep odds. The dress on this quilt belongs to my Granddaughter Maya J. Walton and was knitted by her maternal Grandmother, Susie Buzan possibly in 2008+/-. The lock of hair is from my Grandson Beres Walton. The pecans are purchased from a store. The sack is aged muslin.

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Rocky Mountain Wa Shonaji Quilt Guild
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