2022 Virtual Quilt Contest

You Can Vote During the Month of September

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Quilt Category


You Can Vote During the Month of September

1. Click here to view all of the "Words" Category Quilts.

2. Then Click on any Quilt in the Gallery to scroll through the quilts and read a description.

3. You can vote for more than one quilt, but you can't vote multiple times for the same quilt.


Quilt Category

"Creating Connections"

You Can Vote During the Month of September

1. Click here to view all of the "Creating Connections" Category Quilts

2. Then Click on any Quilt in the Gallery to scroll through the quilts and read a description.

3. You can vote for more than one quilt, but you can't vote multiple times for the same quilt.


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Contest is finished!
Title: Karen von Phul – Denver, CO - “Sun Shiny Day”
Author: Aladmin
Votes: ?

Category: Faces
Views: 652
Description: This is a portrait of my son goofing off. I love his playfulness and carefree attitude. I cut out a lot of flowers to surround his face. I watched Tammie Bowser videos to get an idea of how to do faces. The portrait is in color, but to get shading for the art quilt, I made a black and white copy to follow. For the sunglasses, I used sequin polyester fabric and copper for the hardware.

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Wa Shonaji Quilt Guild
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