Quilt Contest

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Category 1

"We The People"

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2. Then Click on any Quilt in the Gallery to scroll through the quilts and see a description.


Category 2

"Colorado Architecture - Buildings & Bridges"

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2. Then Click on any Quilt in the Gallery to scroll through the quilts and see a description.


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Contest is finished!
Title: Artie Johnson – Aurora, CO – “Madam C. J. Walker”
Author: Deleted user
Votes: ?

Category: We The People
Views: ?
Description: This is a tribute to Madam C. J. Walker who never lost sight of her roots. Born Sarah Breedlove, December 23, 1867-May 25, 1919, she was the first American woman to become a self-made millionaire. She was an entrepreneur, activist, and philanthropist helping everyone she could. She was a great lady in the beauty care products world who passed on too soon. Row 1 First in her family to be born free but orphaned at age seven. 1997 32cent stamp. Manufacturing company and training program for company stylists. Employing 40,000 African American men and women in the United States as well as the Caribbean and Central America. Row 3 The Italianate mansion she built north of New York City is now a National Historic Landmark.

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