Quilt Contest
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Category 1
"We The People"
Voting is Over
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2. Then Click on any Quilt in the Gallery to scroll through the quilts and see a description.
Category 2
"Colorado Architecture - Buildings & Bridges"
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1. Click here to view All of the Category 2 Quilts.
2. Then Click on any Quilt in the Gallery to scroll through the quilts and see a description.
Title: Linda Hernandez – Denver, CO – “VOTE”
Votes: ?
Category: We The People
Views: ?
Description: The panel is a piece by Norman Rockwell titled "Four Freedoms.” The panel depicts what we all desire for ourselves and our families. We want Freedom of Speech, Freedom of Religion, Freedom from Fear, and Freedom from Want as President Franklin D. Roosevelt declared on January 6, 1941, at his State of the Union Address. Linda wanted to create a piece that reflected a grass roots message depicting the most basic freedoms we want and our need to practice our right to vote. We “Vote” for freedom.
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